Sep 23, 2014

How to Create Content That Will Increase Your Traffic by Tomorrow Morning?

Have you ever wondered if the content you are writing sucks? If no one likes your content, you won’t get any social shares, linkbacks, or traffic.
Whether you write content for B2B or B2C sites, there is an art to content creation.
Follow the tips below, and you’ll increase the likelihood of your content being shared, which will help you generate traffic.
Here is a 13-point checklist that will help you create great content:
General writing tips
Whether you are writing for B2B or B2C audience, here are some general writing tips you need to follow to ensure your content is great:
1.    Use the words “you” and “I” – using the words “you” and “I” within your content will create a feeling of a conversation between you and your readers, which will keep them engaged longer.

2.    Keep it simple – don’t try to use fancy words within your posts. If a fifth-grader can understand your vocabulary, you’re doing well. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of readers.

3.    Get to the point – no one likes reading fluff. The quicker you get to the point, the better.

4.    Use sub-headings – using headings within your post will make content more skimmable.

5.    Make your headline eye-catching – from creating a sense of urgency to creating curiosity or making a promise, make sure your headline is attractive enough so people will want to read the rest of your content.

6.    Limit your paragraphs – ideally, your paragraphs shouldn’t be longer than 5 to 7 lines. This will make your content easy to read.

7.    A picture says a thousand words – all text with no images makes content boring.

8.    Make your images relevant – don’t use pictures for the sake of using them. Make sure they are relevant to your content.

9.    Create an expectation within your intro – once people read the intro, they should know what to expect from the rest of your post.

10. Let your personality shine – from vulnerability to humor, show off your personality. Let your readers get to know you.

11. Bold, italicize, and underline – if you are trying to emphasize a point, consider bolding, italicizing, or underlining certain phrases.

12. Tell a story – stories hook readers and keep them entertained.

13. Wrap it up – make sure your readers get your point by the time they finish reading your post.


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