Index A
Alternative text:
In HTML, there is one alternate text option in image tag which will be display in case if image will not display on screen.
Anchor text:
The text which allows redirection to another page after clicking on that is called anchor text. Anchor text is written between anchor tag.
Index B
The links which points to your site form any other sites are called backlinks. It is also known as inbound links or incoming links.
A text navigation form displays in hierarchical linking structure. Usually when we search in Google, we find normal url/link like www.xyz.com or if it’s inner page then it looks like www.xyz.com/innerpage.html. But breadcrumbs link looks like home > product > plug-in > download.
Bridge Page:
Pages which are specially created to get high position in search engine result pages. That is not useful for end users are called bridge page. Bridge page also called doorway page.
It is a software through which user can view web pages on their computers. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape etc. are well known browsers.
Index C
Google takes back up of each page it examines and caches (store) that version. Google uses that cached version to match for users query. Every search result have cached link through which user can check latest cached web page. That might be different then current available web page.
Cloaking is a process in which user sees diff content and search engine spider sees different page with different content.
Search engine spider also called crawler.
Cross Linking:
Linking among web pages within same website. It is also called internal linking of website.
Cascade Style Sheet, used to format web page. It contains set of formatting rules for better presentation of web page.
Index D
Dead link:
A link available on web page but actually doesn’t exist on server. It is also called broken link.
Doorway domain:
Site which have mostly or only doorway pages. The only purpose of doorway domain is to get high position in search engine result pages and finally it redirects to another site.
Doorway pages:
Pages which are specially created to get high position in search engine result pages. That is not useful for end users are called doorway page. Doorway page also called bridge page.
Dynamic IP:
IP address which gets change every time user connects to internet is called dynamic IP.
Index E
End page:
The page which is visible immediately after user click on link is called entry page. It also called landing page.
Index F
Index G
Google spider is known as Googlebot
Index HHallway Page:
Web page which is specifically created to link doorway page is called hallway page.
Hidden Text:
The text on web page is not visible to users but it’s visible to search engine spider. Its used to increase the keyword density in wrong way by fooling search engine spider.
Hypertext Link:
The text which allows redirection to another page after clicking on that is called anchor text. Anchor text is written between anchor tag. Hypertext link is also called anchor text.
Index I
Inbound/incoming links:
The links which points to your site form any other sites are called backlinks. It is also known as backlink.
This term indicates the database that stores information about every page which is crawled (visited) by search engine. Those all website which are included in Google database are said to be indexed.
Index page:
Home page of web site is also called index page.
Inline link:
Links which are part of sentence or paragraphs, rather than simply listed in menu bar are called inline links.
Internal link:
All links which are redirected to another page of same web site are called internal links.
Index J
Index KKeyword:
A general term which is used to define a topic of web page, which is used as search query in search engine, is called keyword.
Keyword density:
The number of times keyword used in web page divided by total number of words on web page.
Keyword phrase:
A set of words typed into a search engine query. Also a set of words that accurately describes the contents of a single web page or web site.
Keyword prominence:
Refers to how "high up" on a web page a keyword appears. Generally, if keywords are visible on the first screen on a web page without site visitors having to scroll, the words are said to have high keyword prominence.
Keyword proximity:
Refers to how close keywords are to each other on web pages.
Keyword stacking:
Placing gibberish sentences and phrases on a web page in order to artificially boost keyword density, keyword prominence, and keyword proximity. Keyword stacking often occurs in title tags, meta tags, and invisible text.
Keyword stuffing:
Placing gibberish sentences and phrases inside graphic images or CSS layers. Often has the same meaning as keyword stacking.